December 21, 2010

December Thoughts

Holiday Giving - Where do I start?
Looking for a great gift this holiday?  Don't get one.  Some of the most meaningful gifts this year won't collect dust on a shelf or sit unponened in a drawer.  Giving charitable donations in somone's honor has gained a great amount of traction in response to hyped marketing and frenzied consumerism.  Start at Kiva or Unicef to get an idea of how great an impact you can have this year with your giving.

Hannukah - The Festival of Lights
The final candle has been lighted for Hanukah, but some of us would like to continue enjoying latkes, applesauce and fudge.  Hanukkah celebrates triumph over religious persection.  From traditions to politics, knowing one's history and roots has a profound affect on even the simplest of decisions. As the season closes, here is a chance to reflect with your family on the importance of how knowledge of history affects our decisions.

Are You a Christmas Super-Mama?
Target is offering a free taste of fun, hip holiday music until December 26th.  Visit their site to listen to the tunes online or download them as a zip file.  My favorite is from The Pinker Tones.  When you hear it, you'll know why

December 14, 2010

Feeling Beat? Prop your feet

Chocolate brown ottoman giveaway at Sammi's Blog of Life from Kirkland.  Oh, how I long to hide my son's toys in this utilitarian design wonder. 

Care to join me in the quest for foot comfort?  Go to  Giveaway ends 12/18.